Mother Cat Heard A Kittens Crying In the Other Room and Soon Decided To Adopt Them

The woman named Jamie was charmed by the pregnant cat’s personality so she started to foster the mother cat until it gave birth to her babies.

When the cat named Cotillion had already given birth to two kittens and heard a faint meow, she is sure that it was not her baby, so she started to look for it beyond the door and soon she found out that there were more kittens who needed help.

The San Diego Humane Society talked to Jamie about a litter of four orphaned kittens with no one to care for them. Jamie was hoping that Cotillion might raise the abandoned babies and treat them as her own.


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Bài viết do Jamie Forrest Gothro (@cat_flipper) chia sẻ

“Cotillion didn’t get overwhelmed by the sudden tripling of her nursing load, she seemed overjoyed to have them,” Jamie said

The kind-hearted woman fostered many cats and she said that not all of them are especially motherly. So, for Jamie, Cotillion is very unique and super genuinely cares for the babies even though the others are not her real baby. Cotillion keeps them close together and she loves to play hide and seek with them.

According to Jamie, it was a blessing having four bonus kittens that are lucky to be raised by a cat and not strictly by a human. She knows that the kittens will soon grow into well-adjusted cats.

Soon when the kittens are big enough, the San Diego organization called SPOT will put them for adoption to have their very own forever home. Cotillion will be available too. But for now, they will enjoy first their happy and safe life together with their loving foster mom.


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